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Below you will find a description of some of the things that we do. Click on the first link to see a few photos of completed jobs. We are working on more thorough pictorial descriptions and those should be ready soon.

Tree pruning Tree pruning services have a degree of art and science involved. It is always recommended that 20 percent or less be removed during a tree pruning operation. Clearance issues should be approached very cautiously. It is advised that you only clear from a structure or thoroughfare about 4 feet. Further clearance will likely involve doing significant damage to the tree. Thinning to reduce leverage on a limb or to improve air flow should also be approached cautiously. Over thinning can result in future damage from the wind to the tree being worked on or in surrounding trees. This point is currently being researched, but we have seen damage caused by over zealous pruning. Pruning to improve branch structure, remove dead branches or to elevate can be performed at any time. Pruning during the dormant season is preferred, mainly due to better visibility of branch structure. The only time of the year that we do not do pruning operations is when the buds are beginning to swell in the early spring. After the leaves are fully expanded, it is not a problem for the tree to do it's internal repairing after the pruning cuts are made. Generally, pruning sealants are not used. Climbing gaffs are NEVER used during a pruning operation. Best practices are utilized always. One of the most important things about pruning is that you should not be able to see where the changes were made. If the tree looks "pruned" it probably was not done correctly. The Procedure. Our pruning objectives.

Tree removal Tree removal services range from the simple to very complex. Cost factors on a removal operation are dependent on location, obstacles, size and inherent hazards of the tree. An example of a 2 simple situations can be found on our estimate page. Customers should be prepared to answer the following things about the service that they are seeking: 1) Would you like the wood disposed of? 2) Would you like the stump removed. The first question should be considered carefully. Often times we leave the wood to save cost and then have to come back later to haul away the wood. A stump can be removed at any time after the tree is removed. When a price is given to remove a tree, it includes disposal of all materials less than 3" in diameter, a thorough cleanup and any minor repairs that need to be made (things like a damaged branch or a divot in the lawn - both rare but occasional). Generally, we completely control the removal operation by using ropes and hardware. How we do it. Safety is our primary concern while we are removing a tree and the safest situation is one that is in complete control of an experienced staff. We are unable to offer partial removal or "just get it on the ground" tree removals.

Advising The Advice that we offer is based on over 15 years of looking at urban "forest" situations. Trees in an urban environment have a difficult time. When advising on a tree it is critical to see all of its surroundings. A change in environment can be a contributor to why a tree is not healthy. We examine these things and return to our clients the most sound course of action. Many times a tree may be overcrowded, but because it has been so for a very long time, it may not be something that can be safely corrected all at once. Trees can live for over a hundred years if they are permitted to. Too frequently there is unnecessary pruning or pruning that causes damage to structure. There is intentional design in the structure of all living things that must be considered when approaching a tree for pruning. Some of the most frequently requested services are to evaluate tree hazards, advise on better light potential for the under story landscape and to help preserve the trees that you have. The Arborist Inc. would prefer not to become involved with issues that have a high potential for litigation. See additional help to get a few referrals for this type of consulting.

Integrated Pest Management So many of the things that cause pest problems are environmental. We evaluate the tree species, the environment and the trees condition to return a course of action to control pests. Frequently pest problems arise due to a tree that is in a less than optimum conditions. The majority of the tools for pest management are scientifically unproven. Many of the substances are labeled "therapeutic not curative". Fertilizer and pesticides are now regulated substances. One should be concerned about being on a program to apply chemicals to make a tree healthy. Many times we have seen "life support" for trees fail, with the owner paying through the entire process including the removal and replacement at the end.

Lightning protection and lighting. A lightning strike can be fatal to a tree. It completely depends on the strength of the strike as to whether it is fatal. At a minimum, there will be damage to some portion of the trunk. If a tree has a high value and is critical to your landscaping, lightning protection is advised. Protection systems can be costly. The system must be installed correctly to be effective. We will offer you a detailed plan on what we will install and show you how it works. We also install custom lighting for trees. We combine our services with a licensed electrician to perform this service.

Root pruning When there is a change to the environment around a tree, root pruning may relieve the stress that will damage the tree. Root pruning is performed in a similar fashion to pruning the above ground parts to the best of our ability. Tree roots are exposed during this operation, so it should not be approached unless indicated by circumstance. Additional follow up care should be performed by the client to make certain that the tree receives adequate water after the roots are pruned. Root pruning combined with root barriers can also be an aid to avoid damaged driveways and sidewalks. Surface roots may also be selectively pruned. As with above grade pruning, not more than 20% of the trees roots may be removed. The process of root pruning is costly and disturbing to your landscaping therefore we only advise it when it is an imperative operation.

Stump Grinding Stump removal operations are a common thing for us. We remove all types of stumps. When a stump is removed, clients should be aware that the majority of the stump is being removed and NOT the entire root system. Removal of an entire root system would require a bulldozer to perform. Stumps are commonly ground to a depth of 6-8" below the grade of where the stump is located. We generally do not remove the dirt that the tree has raised from its growing unless we are requested to. We grind all roots that are associated with the main stump. The roots that leave the stump and do not go underground are considered part of the main stump. If a tree has roots that appear again after going underground and are some distance from the stump we will be happy to remove them although there is additional cost involved. Our equipment has the capability of grinding to a depth of 24". The practice of grinding to a deeper depth should be reserved for situations where another tree needs to be planted in the same spot or additional excavation needs to be performed. Utilities must be marked prior to any stump grinding. If a line is marked within 24" of the proposed grinding operation, the stump must be removed by hand. This can be costly, but it is the law. At the completion of the operation, the material that was the stump is collected in a pile where the stump was originally. Disposal of this material is additional, with the cost calculated by the amount of debris that will be removed. We also offer backfill and re-seeding if the customer desires the stump to be "completely gone".

Snow Removal The Arborist Inc. performs snow removal for select clients. We generally involve ourselves with snow removal operations that have an indemnity requirement. We perform our job of cleanup from a snow storm with the goal of dry, safe access to your business. We insist on being able to control the operation. We need to be able to make operation decisions based on conditions, applying salt when and where needed. We are environmentally conscious and limit the use of salts as best we can. Our snow removal operation includes clearing from edge to edge on sidewalks and curb to curb on parking lots and fire lanes. The snow is removed from these areas with blowers and placed in a location that is safe to melt. Due to drainage and refreezing, we perform follow up site visits to treat areas that have black ice for several days after the storm. Snow storms are natural events and do not have a time schedule. We do not charge for the preparation time for an event, but we do charge for standby. Time is recorded for all operations and the invoices that are generated are based on those time sheets. The time to establish an agreement for snow removal operations is at the latest November 1. We are generally unable to assist after a snow storm occurs for that event. It may be possible to add your facility to our operation for a given year, but it is situation dependant.

Training Our staff receives weekly training in all aspects of tree care. We love to train! If you are interested in having a some of our material taught, please contact us. We also offer training on how to prune and maintain ornamental trees and shrubs. Our arborist has met with home owners associations about the care of their trees and plans to sustain their landscape. We meet with clients on a daily basis and normally some form of instruction about trees comes into the conversation. We love what we do and are more than happy to discuss it with anyone.

Selective Clearing

Construction Preservation From before the plans are drawn to years after construction, the trees will be there if a degree of care is given through the process. In the planning of your project, having an arborist examine the condition of the trees and construction plan can make a huge difference in the survivability of your trees. Limits of disturbance are usually set forth with the builder's interest being the primary criteria. There is no reason to be at odds with the builder; it helps to have an arborist that understands both sides of the issues.

Free Stuff Free firewood. Free limb chip mulch. The wood that we have to offer for free ranges in type and condition. We deliver for free mulch and firewood. We do not store it and it is not available for pick up. The wood may be green and definitely will need to be cut and split to be used. The mulch has a degree of variability and may contain small twigs and leaves. The mulch is suitable to spread in a natural area to maintain moisture content. Occasionally we have jobs that may produce a more pure wood chip and this may be suitable for a playground. There is a charge for plain wood chips. It should be noted that the material is being delivered to you for no charge. The schedule of delivery needs a large possible window. Once the material is off the truck, we do not offer picking it up - make sure you want it before you request it.


Debris Removal